SD Road, Secunderabad.

Best Skin Allergy Treatment in Secunderabad at Renova Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic

Dr Chetana Panabaka - Skin and Hair Care Specialist in Secunderabad

Skin Allergy

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A skin allergy is a type of allergic reaction that occurs when the immune system overreacts to a substance that comes into contact with the skin. Common triggers for skin allergies include cosmetics, fragrances, metals (such as nickel), fabrics, latex, and certain foods.

Symptoms of a skin allergy may include redness, itching, swelling, and the development of a rash or hives.

There are several types of allergic skin rashes, including: Contact dermatitis, Urticaria (hives),Atopic dermatitis (eczema), Angioedema, Drug rash, and Photosensitivity.

If you or your beloved ones experience any of these allergic skin rashes, visit to Renova Skin, Hair & Laser clinic for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

For all types of skin allergies, Renova Skin, Hair & Laser clinicin Secunderabad is the best . Our line of treatment helps treat inflammation and irritation in the skin.

Prevention of skin allergies involves identifying and avoiding trigger substances whenever possible, using hypoallergenic products, and practising good skin hygiene.

Our best Skin Allergy specialist Dr Chetana Panabaka will start with a physical examination and a review of the patient's medical history. In some cases, she may advise patch test or skin prick test to identify the specific allergen responsible for the reaction.

Treatment for a skin allergy often involves avoiding the trigger substance and using topical or oral medications to relieve symptoms.

For the best skin allergy treatment in Secunderabad, visit Renova Skin, Hair & Laser clinics. You can schedule your appointment online or call us

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